Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rock Against Zionism (Part 2) video!

This is the second part of the video taken during Rock Against Zionism show in One Cafe, Kuala Lumpur. The first song is our original, "Comforting Asses" and the second one is a cover of Operation Ivy's Unity. Video taken by Megat Zahrin.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Talib (formerly wrote East Rage & No More Tears) is now returned with second installment of the bi-lingual zine Prasasti Hujung Langit. This time with more thought-provoking columns/writings/ramblings and also interviews. Very nice front cover and very neat layout. Personally, i suggest you to go and check out this good zine. Always Last demo cd also got reviewed in it. Thanks for the positive review Talib

"Kualiti rakaman yang sangat bagus! musik melodik yang sangat menarik minat sesiapa sahaja untuk turut sama beraksi dan bereaksi. ini dia kugiran Always Last yang telah menjadi sebutan dan buah mulut hampir semua orang yang meminati musik punk rock di Malaysia. penampilan baru oleh ramai personaliti kugiran-kugiran punk rock dari sekitar tanah air. rakan rakan dari The Mindless Show, Skunkfix, Fags and Stoned, Disgruntled dan banyak lagi. pengalaman dan minat mereka terhadap musik ini membuahkan satu lagi kugiran baru yang saya rasa agak lari dari tipikal kugiran punk rock kebiasaan yang saya dengarkan. melodik dan pasti membuat anda merasa riang dan ingin turut serta dalam mosh pit apabila mereka beraksi. membawakan 5 lagu termasuk intro dan salah 1 lagu yang menjadi pujaan ramai ialah Kalau Aku...Pak Lah! sebuah rilisan sendiri yang sangat sederhana, dari segi bungkusan dan muka hadapan. susun atur dan kemasan juga sederhana tetapi sedap mata memandang dan menarik. disertakan sekali helaian untuk lirik untuk memberi anda peluang untuk menyanyi bersama. saya cadangkan kugiran ini untuk mengulang cetak album ini dalam bentuk yang lebih profesional. mungkin dalam bentuk kaset dengan sleeve yang lebih tampak profesional barangkali!"

get the zine from:

Convert (Yr. Mind) Distro

or you can always write to

you can also read the "online version" of the first issue here:

Prasasti Hujung Langit @ Blogspot

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ayuh Riang Ria Di Mosh Pit!

Always Last and our friends in Skunkfix were invited to play a show in Melaka in support our friends Half Asleep tour with Ever After from Indonesia. This turns out to be our first time playing in Melaka! So if you're happen to be around the area, come and join us!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rock Against Zionism video!

This video was taken during our Rock Against Zionism set at One Cafe on 4th April 2009. The first part was a brief speech of what's happening in the Middle East where people with power abuses the media to make people believe that the Palestinians are the ones who's being violent while Israelis are being oppressed but the truth is really the opposite. The second part is our song "The Best Practices" and also "Stupid Macho Band, End (S)hits!". Super thanks to Wale for the video camera and also Megat Zahrin for filming and converting this to digital format. Thanks to our friends and those who stayed and supported us.